Thursday, May 26, 2011

What is all the excitement about Marine Collagen?

Why is collagen important to our skin?
Collagen is the chief constituent of connective tissue that supports the structure of the skin. As collagen is depleted, visible signs of skin aging appear and then accelerate. The skin requires constant synthesis of new collagen to remain firm and youthful. Maturity has many advantages, but there's no reason for your skin to look older than it has to. Collagen provides structural support for skin. Without adequate collagen, wrinkles and lines start to form. What is worse, constant UV exposure damages the skin thereby reducing collagen synthesis.

What is marine Collagen?

Marine collagen is a kind of collagen that is extracted from an assortment of ocean algae species such as the species Laminaria as well as Padina Pavonica and sometimes codfish.  Marine collagen derived beauty products can be in the form of facial masks, facial creams, body lotions and even shower creams. Marine collagen is not injected at the moment. It is unknown if such products will be developed at a later time.

Marine collagen does have a quantity of benefits and it seems to do the work somewhat differently than conventional collagen goods. For one, marine collagen creams are built to replenish the skins colloagen in addition to fuel collagen development within our bodies, instead of just replenishing lost collagen. Marine collagen proteins primarily attempt to nurture the growth of type 3 collagen in the skin. As collagen is a fairly big molecule, it has difficulty when moving through our skin. As a result, new techniques must be found to intensify absorption rates. When dealing with normal collagen, this is an easy fix through injections. With marine collagen, polypeptide technology is utilized. Polypeptides have been discovered to stimulate the synthesis of new collagen molecules in our skin.

What products should I look for that has Marine collagen in?
The skin around the eye area is the most delicate skin on our body, and the most exposed to weather and harsh elements. So it's important to use a product which is gentle and non-irritating. IR Beautina Nano Treatment Total Repair Eye Cream is a specially formulated blend of natural ingredients to nourish your skin and reduce wrinkles. With the benefits of Marine Collagen, IR Beautina Nano Treatment Total Repair Eye Cream will gently replenish the delicate eye area. I R Beautina Nano Treatment Total Repair Eye Cream is highly respected for its ability to fight age lines and wrinkles because it's similar to our skin's natural oils.

IR Beautina Nano Treatment Total Repair Neck Cream is effective in preventing wrinkles and   acne. The cream provides vitamins, collagen and water that are needed by your skin. The cream can be applied on the face and neck area to help with wrinkles & black marks which is the signs of premature aging of the skin. 

A real cost effective body lotion that contains the power of collagen is our Rose Whitening Body Lotion which prevents your skin from stretch mark especially at your waist and thigh area. Rose Whitening Body Lotion is affordable for buying and practical in use.

Lastly we would recommend Rose Whitening Shower Cream that is wonderfully moisturizing and contains marine collagen  to help hydrate, smooth and firm the surface of the skin & making skin more resilient to environmental stress throughout the day.

And Finally
So to wrap things up-The application of marine collagen is a new technology that is all set to play an important role in bringing the youth back for many of us. This technology needs to be perfected and companies like IR Beautina are doing just that so they can produce products with practical efficiency. So if you plan to use this collagen protein to rejuvenate your aging skin, first read in details about the product you are using so that you know what you are getting into.