Thursday, May 12, 2011

Choosing the Right Perfume

Everyone wants to smell good all the time. This may be possible if one has just come out from the shower but after being exposed to dust, dirt and pollution, a person tends to smell bad and become edgy and irritable.

 Perfumes, colognes and fragrance oils help a person smell good even after staying out in the sun all day. Just a spray or dab on the wrists makes a huge difference. Smelling good not only boosts one’s self esteem but it also helps lift one’s spirits.

When to Wear Perfume.

There are many perfumes that are light smelling. That means that they add something to you without making a bold statement. This type of perfume is ideal for weekend wear and weeknight evening wear. You can apply a lotion to achieve this smell or a spray. At work, you will need to determine if wearing perfume is ok. There are some work places that do not welcome perfume scents. These places could include sales positions, working with kids or animals, hospital work and so on. Think about whether your work place is appropriate for perfume and then determine if a strong scent or a light scent would work best. For example if you work at a fashion runway spot or a bar, a heavy perfume might be just fine.

 When you want to be noticed or feel sexy and attractive, wearing a bold perfume scent is the thing to do. In this situation you can go with all three types of perfume at once. The deodorant, the spray and the lotion can be applied. These types of situation would include; a night out with friends, a date with the husband, or a date with the boyfriend. This bold scent is usually seen at night, but can make an appearance during certain times. For example if the special date is during the day and it won`t bother anyone around you. And weddings would be another place where this might be ok.

 Some bold scents are offensive to other people. Some people have allergies and others just don`t like strong smells. Try to remember that everyone has different tastes, so if you`re going with a bold scent, make sure that you will be moving around. If your date is at the movies surrounded by lots of people, perhaps go with a lighter smell. However if your venturing around at a party or a club, the heavy perfume will simply go in and out of peoples noses as you pass by.

 Adding a perfume lotion to your body after a shower is a great idea. It can add some scent without being too bold. This scent will give your body a fresh scent that will last for a few hours. It is perfect to apply when you want to feel fresh for yourself or just before that big date.

How to apply Perfumes

1. Spray or dab perfume to a couple of your pulse points, usually your wrists and neck, though some women favor the back of the knees, crease of the elbows and/or their cleavage.

2. Do not rub wrists together afterwards as this flattens the scent.

3. Spray a little into the air and walk into it to diffuse the scent all over you.

4. If you're wearing perfume, try not to use scented body lotions/toners/moisturizers, as the end result will be confused. Use unscented products instead.

5. Keep perfume away from heat and direct sunlight and make sure the lid is on firmly to keep it at its best.

Whichever type of perfume one chooses though, one thing is for sure. The reason people buy perfumes is because they like smelling good all the time. Who doesn’t want to smell good? Smelling good seems to bring a lot of good things to a person – it attracts other people to you and it doesn’t make a person insecure.
Amazing Thai Beauty has a selection of perfumes suited for all tastes and occasions to make you smell good!

Forever Eau De Perfume

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