Monday, May 16, 2011

Oily Skin Tips & Tricks

Don't even think that only teenagers have oily skin. In fact, you will be surprised to discover that many people have oily skin problems beginning from their teenage years until their elderly years. Or it can be as fleeting as in the senior year of school and then oily skin issues fade away like an unwanted memory, never to return, thankfully.

Plus, if your mother and father have oily skin, you are also likely to have it, too. Hormones also play a role such that women who undergo their monthly menstrual cycle or who are pregnant can have oily skin too, which may or may not resolves itself after these natural cycles.

Oily skin condition is easier to treat with the implementation of proper skin care treatments prescribed. Taking a controlled diet rich in carbohydrates will also ease the effect to a maximum extent.
By follow these 4 easy tips below and you'll know how to get your skin behaving in no time.

The 1st step in your oily skin care routine is to remove eye make-up.

While most areas around the face are oily, the skin that is around the eyes tends to be more dry and delicate.

• Soak some cotton wool with an eye make-up remover that is non-oily.

• Hold the cotton wool over the eyes. Leave it for a few moments. This will enable it to dissolve and remove the make-up that is on the eyelids, lower and upper lashes.

Are your using ordinary mascara or waterproof mascara? Choose appropriate products designed for the removal of the type of eye make-up that you are using. Check out this article on eye makeup removers.

The 2nd and most important step in your oily skin care routine is facial cleansing.

• Splash tepid water on your face

• Use a foaming facial wash and work up a good lather. Avoid using ordinary soap which will strip away your skin’s moisture. It will dissolve and remove the dirt, grime and oil accumulated throughout the day.
• Using your fingertips, massage gently over damp skin
• Carefully rinse with a lot of warm water.
Choose appropriate skin care products designed for your skin type. Check out this article on facial cleansers.

The 3rd step in your oily skin care routine is facial toning.

• Soak some cotton wool an astringent lotion.
• Wipe over the whole skin. This will provide refreshing and cools the face. Continue until the cotton wool is completely clean.

Does the toner irritates or stings your face? Yes, switch to a product with a gentler formulation.

Alternatively, dilute your existing toner with some distilled water. Distilled water should be available from the local pharmacist.

Choose appropriate skin care products designed for your skin type. Check out this article on facial toners.

The 4th step in your oily skin care routine is moisturizing.

Oily skins do need a moisturizer too. Choose a moisturizer that is gentle and light. It will help to keep the moisture level in the uppermost layers of the skin. Water helps to keep the face supple and soft.

As part of your oily skin care routine, choose a moisturizer that is made of light and watery fluid. Do not choose a thick moisturizer.

Allow the skin to absorb the moisturizer for a few moments. Use a clean tissue and press it over your face to absorb the excess moisturizer. This will help to prevent a glossy or shiny complexion. The way to take care of oily skin is by improving your skin’s moisture levels and controlling any excess oil.

Oily skin can be quite a skin type to handle. Most people with oily skin don't known wither to use moisturizer, when to skip it, and when to use it. Getting to know your oily skin can be hard but by buying good quality skin care products like IR Beautina Total Repair Hydra Treatment Set for Normal to Oily Skin will soon get your skin behaving in no time.

IR Beautina Total Repair Hydra Treatment Set for Normal to Oily Skin

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