Monday, January 9, 2012

Say Good Bye to Pimples

Pimples are not just the problem of teenagers; they can occur in any person between the age of 10 and 40. Pimples usually occur when the sebaceous glands become active during puberty. In this blog we hope to show you how you can help treat your pimples by using our natural Konjac sponges and eventually say good bye to pimples.

What are the causes of pimples?

The sebaceous glands, which produce sebum, exist inside the pores of our skin. The outer layers of our skin are being shed continuously.
Sometimes, dead skin cells are left behind and get stuck together by the sticky sebum, causing a blockage in the pore.
Pore blockage is more likely to occur during puberty (the process of physical changes by which a child's body becomes an adult body capable of reproduction). More sebum is produced by the sebaceous gland - as the pore is blocked, it accumulates behind the blockage.

This accumulated and blocked sebum has bacteria, including Propionibacterium acnes; this slow-growing bacterium is linked to acne. Propionibacterium acnes generally exist harmlessly on our skin - however, when the conditions are right, it can reproduce more rapidly and become a problem. The bacterium feeds off the sebum and produces a substance that causes an immune response, leading to inflammation of the skin and spots.
The skin of people who are prone to acne are especially sensitive to normal blood levels of testosterone - a natural hormone found in both males and females. In such people the testosterone can make the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, making the clogging up of dead skin cells more likely, which in turn increases the probability of blocking the pores, etc.

Treating Pimples with Konjac Sponges.

The key to controlling your Acne and Pimple is your capability to control the body oils that you might have in your face. Choose gentle herbal facial cleansers and use them a minimum of twice throughout the day to remove debris, oil, perspiration, and pollutants that have built up about the skin. Our Charcoal konjac sponges are a perfect natural cleanser to help with those unsightly pimples. The Bamboo Charcoal in these sponges contains activated carbon & various minerals that enhance absorptive ability, perfect for removing excess oil. Bamboo Charcoal is also a natural anti- oxidant so will help fight acne-causing bacteria. In addition Konjac sponges naturally moisturize your skin and balances out the pH of it too. In fact Konjac sponges are ideal for people with hypersensitive skin.

Hopefully you will find this information on pimples and our konjac sponges to be valuable, and wish you the best of luck in Say Good Bye to Pimples. If you have any further questions please contact us and we would be more than happy to help.

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